The Birthday Box

The Birthday Box

It’s our Birthday Box! Featuring some very special coffees, we’ve put this duo together to celebrate seven years of PCR with you. Each box will have a 100-gram jar of each of the listed coffees.
Over the last 10 months, our team has had the opportunity to work a bit more closely with some very special coffees and these are the fruits of that labor.

With plans for featuring this special coffee on a national stage, Madeleine harvested and processed this high-elevation Red Bourbon lot from Kopiko Farm with processing assistance from Eric. The cherry was brought to Pacific Coffee Research and dried on elevated racks for 4 weeks. The coffee was stored in cherry until it was milled in April and featured at Expo booths. This is the last remaining bit of that coffee.
In his role as the farm manager at Yamagishi Farm, Eric has had the opportunity to experiment in many ways this year! This early harvest lot is actually a mix of two very small harvests of 25 and 27lbs each – yes, that’s cherry weight. Each lot was held in cherry for 24 hours before being pulped, with the 25lb lot going through a lactic process. Each lot was dried in partial sun with mucilage (pulp) on the seeds and took between 16 and 21 days to dry.

Our team cupped each coffee multiple times, discussed best suggested roast approaches, and well – now here we are! We’re excited to share these coffees with you and hope we have the opportunity to share more little lots in the future.

These coffees will be roasted on one day only, currently scheduled for Monday, August 26. Box sets will ship out the same week.

Medium roast, Size 2 x 100 grams

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Kona, Hawaiʻi Island


Kopiko Farm & Yamagishi Farm


Natural & Lactic Black Honey




Red Bourbon & Typica

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