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Sensory Specialist in Coffee: Prepping for the Q


Jan 17 2024


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


Pacific Coffee Research
Makalei Estates, HI

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    To help interested students prepare for their pursuit of becoming a new Licensed Q Arabica Grader, our team of sensory professionals is hosting this Q Prep Class. In this all-day class, we will combine a few topics covered in our shorter workshops which also happen to overlap with skills practiced and tested in the Q Arabica Combo Course. And it’s pretty perfect timing, because we’re hosting the Combo Course this March!
    So, what are we covering?

    Essentials of Coffee Cupping: Proper etiquette, cupping protocol, required tools and materials, etc.
    Understanding the Cupping Form: Let’s break it down and review each section of the SCA cupping form.
    CUPPING: We’ll do one full round of cupping; this includes 6 coffees on one table with required use of the SCA cupping form.
    Identifying Acids in Coffee: What acids are most commonly found in coffee? Where do they come from? What do they taste like?
    Sensory Skills: We’ll talk about the five basic tastes, taste them in isolated water solutions, and taste combinations of some of these basic tastes in water solutions.

    As a full-day class, your registration fee includes the cost of your lunch for the day; we will take one 45-minute lunch break and two 10-minute stretching breaks throughout the day. This class is a combination of lecture, activities, and lots of tasting, so it should keep us all pretty active and awake! Our lab will also have other materials that are essential to passing the Q Arabica Combo Course available for students to peruse and become familiar with during the assigned break times. These materials include:
    Le Nez du Cafe olfactory kit
    SCA’s Washed Arabica Green Coffee Defect Guide

    This class will be co-taught by two instructors, providing ample support to answer questions, facilitate discussions, and successfully complete activities. Your instructors are Brit Horn, Authorized SCA Trainer in Sensory Skills, and Madeleine Longoria Garcia, Licensed Q Arabica Grader and Q Assistant Instructor.

    Because we will be tasting various solutions, please let us know if you are allergic to any consumable goods. All registered students will receive arrival instructions one week before our scheduled class date.
