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    Feb 21 2022


    9:00 am - 5:00 pm



    SCA CSP: Sensory Skills Foundation

    This full-day CSP Sensory Skills Foundation course explores the distinction of specialty coffee, introduces students to formal coffee cupping, and identifies quality evaluation standards. Students learn to recognize the core concepts of professional sensory services and explain why and how coffee professionals use them. Additionally, students will be introduced to the history of sensory science and how all our senses play a role in how we perceive taste & flavor through several fun exercises throughout the day!

    We take a dive into three main sensory systems and explore how they effect our perception of flavor. These include gustation, olfaction, and taction. We will also take note of how auditory and visual references affect our sensory experiences in coffee.

    We place a broad focus on identifying, describing, and objectively discerning aroma, taste, and body in coffees. Finally, students are introduced to the newly-modified SCA coffee cupping protocol and methodology.

    Topics covered in Sensory Skills Foundation include:
    Principle of Sensory Science
    Physiology & Sensory Attributes
    Identifying Sensory Characteristics in Coffee
    SCA Coffee Cupping Protocol
    Practical Considerations for Sensory Professional Services

    Aspects of this class involve the tasting of various foods and liquids, including some known allergens. These may include, but are not limited to dairy, nuts, wheat, etc. The purpose of these exercises is to objectively evaluate tastes and textures of different foods & beverages in order to form a mental lexicon for qualities present in coffees. While we ask that you inform us of any allergies and dietary needs, we cannot guarantee that contact or cross contamination is 100% avoidable.

    *Lunch will be provided during this class. We will take a 1-hour break to take in the view while we eat.

    Please read the full course description here or learn more about the entire SCA Coffee Skills Program on their website.

    Pacific Coffee Research offers CSP certification courses in 5 modules on a semi-regular basis, with Introduction to Coffee, Sensory Skills, and Green Coffee available year-round.

    Have questions? Feel free to send us an email!


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